Client Stories
Our client stories are provided by our clients not to promote Cornerstone or themselves but are intended to be an encouragement and a source of hope to anyone struggling through difficult circumstances.
Maggie's Journey
Throughout my lifetime I have endured a lot of abuse. I grew up knowing that I was different than my siblings, not knowing or understanding how, just knowing how I was. During my schooling I struggled a lot. I was bullied, picked on and harassed by other children in my special needs class. This is where my struggle with my self-esteem began.
Phil's Story
I was diagnosed schizophrenic about nine years ago, but that wasn’t the start of my troubles. My mind went awhile before I was diagnosed. Bouncing from job to job, shop lifting, and a general frightening demeanour that had garnered comment from my parents.
John's Story
I was born in Deer Lake Newfoundland in 1961. At the time I was the 4th child born to my mother and father. I moved to Toronto when I was about 11 months old with just my dad after my parents separated
Dan's Story
I was born in Port Aux-Basques, Newfoundland in 1954. I was born right in the middle of 12 siblings. I started working at 16 at CN Marine on the ships sailing all over the East Coast of Canada. I worked for 9 years, and on June 3rd, 1978 my ship sank off the coast of Labrador. I watched the ship sink from the side of an iceberg.
“Our client stories are provided by our clients not to promote Cornerstone or themselves but are intended to be an encouragement and a source of hope to anyone struggling through difficult circumstances.”
Robert Brglez
Executive Director